Strategy & Objectives


The overall Business Strategy of EPTECH Power Control Systems is defined under following contexts :

⚒  Creating a Competitive Advantage for our business by carving a niche in the market by virtue of our special expertise and unique business model.
⚒   Enabling a Competitive Advantage to our Esteemed Clients by providing sound alternatives for resolution of their chronic power management challenges.
⚒  Fulfilling our unflinching commitment towards Corporate Social Responsibility by significantly contributing towards Nation-wide Technical Skill Development Initiatives.

Our Objectives

In pursuit of our Strategic Aim EPTECH Power has set for itself the following cardinal Objectives :

⚒  To provide all round expertise to enable efficient and sustained operation of power solutions.
⚒  To set up Design & Development centres.
⚒  Facilities locally, in a phased manner, to enable spontaneous response to critical power solution requirements of clients, with a view to limit, if not totally eliminate, the spectre of over-dependence on overseas technology providers.
⚒  To impart Training & Empowerment curriculum specially designed to enrich the Technical Skills of target audience from resident community.